DMM Kariyushi Aquarium Honoured with the 40th Display Industry Award 2021 by Nippon Display Federation


DMM Kariyushi Aquarium is proud to share the pleasure and honour of winning the Excellence Award (METI Commerce and Service Judges Award - Business and Commercial Complex Sector) at the 40th Display Industry Award by Nippon Display Federation.

Nippon Display Federation conducts Display Industry Award annually to promote the display industry. It is a design award aiming to improve the life sciences and culture; and to raise the awareness of local landscape through different ways of display. 

Display Industry Award comprises five sectors, culture and public facility; lesure and tourist facility; expo, disaply, event and performance; and promotion and performance. In 2021, the Display Industry Award received a total of 111 nominations and 36 finalists contended for the awards: 1 Grand Award (METI Minister Award), 1 Special Award (Nikkei, Inc.), 5 Excellence Awards (METI Commerce and Service Judges Award) and 18 Encouragement Awards (Nippon Display Federation Award).

Please refer to the below URL for details (Japanese):
